Wednesday 15 August 2012


My knee is very painful today so I'm spending my time lounging, relaxing and letting other people look after my children. This includes eating vegetarian percy pigs, drinking tea and instructing the cat to either lay down nicely or go away.

Whilst watching piranha 3d (but in 2d as the funny glasses make me feel like R2D2) my brain began working overtime. (this may have been due to all the sugar in everything I've eaten today) But, watching Kelly Brook being eaten by prehistoric piranha naturally made me think of evolution, or creation, what really happened? Did the chicken come before the egg? Or were they simply created at the same time?

We all know the Bible teaches that God created everything. All man and beast. That Adam named all creatures  'and whatsoever Adam named every creature, that was the name thereof'. So, God creates a T-Rex, Adam names it and the creature is placed upon the Earth. Then what? What happens next? Why did the dinosaurs die? Were they placed to shape the Earth, to encourage plant life and to pave the way for modern animals? Why are species slowly dying out? Is this a natural progression or yet another sign that mans rebellion against God is slowly leading to the end of all.

If all man stopped praying to their priests, to saints and statues, to all false idols and turned their hearts directly to God would our planet begin to turn back? Our summers to be sunny and our tigers to be growling, our sharks to be swimming gloriously and our waters to be pure once more.

I cannot hope to know the answer to these questions now. But, asking them and still putting my faith in God makes me powerful. I want to know the truth, and one day I will, but until that day comes I will pray, trust and do what God instructs me without blindly following my fellow man.

I realise this has gone way off topic. But bluntly put I want answers, and trust when I am ready I will get them. I don't want to give the enemy any power so will obey God's will, even if it's uncomfortable at the time and the end of the world scares me. It scares me that mans actions are causing it and that the signs are being missed.

Bring on a revival. A revival about reading and trusting the Bible and His word. Not about physical bodies.


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