Wednesday 8 August 2012

Being alone

'There is nothing, either good nor ill, but thinking makes it so - Hamlet'

This has been my motto for the last few years. It basically means that situations are only as good, or bad, as you allow them to be. Positive thinking equals a positive mind. And so on.

For too long now I have suffered with anxiety and depression, I've suffered because I've allowed myself to suffer. I've given in to the Enemies negative influence, I've hidden, I've self harmed and I've convinced myself I am worthless, less than a human, less than a being. I've told myself, day after day, night after night that I am alone, that those around me don't really care and will vanish when they realise what I'm really like. The real me is not worth knowing.

For too long I've been an island. Now, I'm a continent. Now, I'm Africa. (which incidentally I only recently discovered was a continent). The Lord 'holds us in an everlasting embrace' as we pull away, his hold increases. We are forever in his arms, and therefore, we are never alone. When I feel down, feel alone and lost in a swarm of people I can simply cast my mind to God. He is there, He understands and He knows what I'm trying to say when words are not enough.

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' -Psalm 147: 4-5

If, like me, you suffer. Remember, you are not in this fight alone. Turn your anxieties to God, have faith and assurance that He will help, if you trust Him too.

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." -1 Peter 5:7


  1. Love reading what God is speaking into your heart Meg! Thanks for sharing! Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

  2. I love seeing how the Lord is moving in your life! Thank you for linking up with me this week for {faith} filled life!

    -Megan @ {All Things New}
