Thursday 19 July 2012

Flash forward

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. -Romans 8:18"

Whilst tweeting as my 2 year old (Yes, I do this) I saw this quote pop up in my tweet list thing. I understood the words, but did not, by any stretch of the imagination, understand the meaning. The point. So, I called Ruth.

I was going to pass her words off as my own. But, 3 years training in the great art of Creative Writing taught me that this is plagiarism and this is bad. So this is what she said;

"Imagine eternity is like a big, long piece of string. Maybe a circle of string with no end. Your time on Earth is such a tiny little piece, a cord within a cord within a cord. To ensure your eternity, the rest of your string, is glorious and wonderful, you may need to be uncomfortable for this speck of existence."

Those may not be her exact words, I made them prettier. But the 'point' is clear. Be uncomfortable now, follow God's word, be good to your fellow man and your eternity will be more than you can even imagine. Don't sweat the small stuff, it'll be worth it at the end, or the start. Whichever.


  1. Ha, you made it sound like I didn't get distracted by something shiny and wander off mid-sentence! And you forgot about when I found a sweet in my pocket.

    Loving your blog Meg, keep the posts coming! You have so much insight and are so willing to share it, God is going to do BIG things through you xx

  2. I love that, that's an amazing interpretation of it. God bless Ruth hey?! And God bless you too xxxxx
    (I'm aware I sound like Tiny Tim)
