Tuesday 2 October 2012

Proof of God

There are many, often heated, discussions taking place about proof of God. About how he cannot exist as there is no physical evidence of Him. I, myself, have challenged my faith. Demanding God performs for me, proves His own existence. I was dismayed when He didn't. 'Ah Ha!' Atheists cry 'see-He doesn't prove he exists, therefore, he doesn't!'

As usual, in times of crisis, I turned to my Bible. Matthew 4, Jesus is tested in the wilderness. After temptations and tests of the devil Jesus answers, bluntly 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test'. To test Him is an act of the devil.

A non-believer will, of course, not believe in the devil either. For the greatest trick the devil ever performed was convincing the world he didn't exist. If you don't believe in the devil, how could you believe in God?

I have proof, within my own life, about Gods existence. Since turning to Him I have begun to beat depression, I no longer feel overwhelmingly lonely, I am at peace (most of the time) with myself. As I'm no longer consumed by my own misery I am a better friend, a better wife and a much better Mother. Coincidence? Yes, it could be put down to that, but, for me, this massive change can only be Gods work and I thank Him every day for it.

I realise not everyone will believe, this saddens me but I will never even attempt to argue someone into it. Religion, of any sort, is something people will (or won't) find for themselves, but I love my God for the change in me. Proof or not.

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